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All New England Catholic Biblical School faculty are Roman Catholics who are actively engaged in their faith and are in good standing in their parish communities. They all hold advanced theological degrees at the graduate level and have cultivated expertise in adult faith formation.

Fr. Michael Casey

Teaches Theology Courses
Academic Dean, Saint Thomas Seminary

B.A. (Philosophy) Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia
S.T.B. Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy
S.T.L. (Moral Theology) Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Rome, Italy

Email Fr. Michael Casey


Teaches alumni course offerings
S.T.L. (Theology) Saint Mary Seminary and University, Baltimore, MD
S.T.M (New Testament) Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY
Ph.D. (Biblical Studies / New Testament) Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 

Email Dr. Thomas Casey



Teaches CBS 100
B.A. (History) Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT
M.R.E. (Youth and Young Adult Ministry) Fordham University, Bronx, NY

Dr. Joseph Coray

Teaches CBS 100, 200, and 300
B.A. (Sociology) Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA
M.A. (Theology) Saint Bernard’s  School of Theology and Ministry,  Rochester, NY
D.Min. (Biblical Studies) Graduate Theological Foundation, Sarasota, FL

Email Dr. Joseph Coray


Dr. Kathleen Troost-cramer

Teaches alumni course offerings
Ph.D. (Biblical Studies) Boston University School of Theology, Boston, Ma


Email Dr. Kathleen Troost-Cramer


Ms. Amy Ekeh

Teaches CBS 200 and 400
B.A. (Theology) University of Dallas, Irving, TX
M.A. (Theology) Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Email Ms. Amy Ekeh


Sr. Barbara Green, O.P.

Teaches CBS 100
M.A. Theology (Biblical Studies) Graduate Theological Union
Ph.D. Near Eastern Religions (Hebrew Bible and Mythology) Graduate Theological Union and University of California at Berkeley

Email Sr. Barbara Green



  Teaches Spanish CBS 100 and CBS 200
  B.A. (Philosophy) Universidad Minuto de Dios, Bogota, Colombia
  B.A. (Ecclesiology) Jesuit Pontifical University, Bogota, Colombia
  M.A. (Theology and Education), Jesuit Pontifical University, Bogota, Colombia



Teaches CBS 400
M.S. (Developmental Psychobiology) University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
M.T.S. (Theology) Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA

Email Ms. Joan Kennedy



Teaches CBS 100, 300, and 400
Director, New England Catholic Biblical School

M.P.H. (Management) Columbia University, New York, NY
M.A. (Education) University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT
M.T.S. (Biblical Studies) Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA                    DMin (In Progress) Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Email Mrs. Judith Kostelni

Mr. Brett Manero

Teaches CBS 300
M.T.S. (Systematic Theology) Christendom College, Alexandria, VA
Ph.D. (In Progress) Pontifex University

Email Brett Manero

monsignor frank matera

Teaches CBS 200
Ph.D. (New Testament) Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY

Email Msgr. Frank Matera



Fr. Jeremiah N. Murasso

Teaches CBS 300 and 400

M.A. (Philosophy), M.A. (Dogmatic Theology) The Gregorian University, Rome
M.A. (Education, Applied Psychology) Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT
C.A.S. (School Administration and School Psychology) Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT
Ph.D. (Pastoral Psychology) The Gregorian University, Rome
Ed.D. (Education)—The Graduate Theological Foundation, Mishawaka, IN
Psy.D. (Psychology)—The Graduate Theological Foundation, Mishawaka, IN

Email Fr. Jeremiah Murasso

Deacon Dr. Robert Pallotti

Teaches CBS 200
M.A. (Religious Studies) Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, CT
D.Min. Graduate Theological Foundation, Sarasota FL

Email Deacon Dr. Robert Pallotti


Mrs. Melissa Pucci

Teaches CBS 100
B.A. (Literature and Religious Studies) Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
M.A.R. (Religious Studies) Yale University, Divinity School, New Haven, CT

Email Mrs. Melissa Pucci

Mrs. Linda Ward

Teaches CBS 100
M.S. Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (Special Education)
Professional Diploma Fordham University (Educational Administration)
M.A. Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington, NY (Theology)

Email Mrs. Linda Ward