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Archdiocese of Hartford
Saint Thomas Seminary

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

Important Announcement

The USCCB has shared the timeline for the implementation of the new translation, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. The ritual text will be available for sale November 1, 2024 with a first use date of December 1, 2024 (First Sunday of Advent). Mandatory use for the new text will be March 5, 2025 (Ash Wednesday). While the ritual and study editions will not be available until November 1, formation resources related to the new translation will be available beginning August 1, 2024.  For more information see the DECREE of PROMULGATION

How to read the OCIA Rite book.

Combined Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion
Sunday, March 9, 2025 
Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Hartford - 3:00 p.m.

The Office of Faith Formation and Parish Life wishes to invite all parishes to the Archdiocesan celebration of the Combined Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion. This year all parishes are asked to respond using the electronic form. If your parish is not currently preparing catechumens and candidates it is sill required to complete the electronic form. Your attention to this request is greatly appreciated.

We heartily encourage all parishes, especially those who have a catechumen or candidate, to attend this important event. This sacred celebration is very meaningful to the catechumens and candidates who attend, and so it is always a kind gesture to have the visible support of their local Church community present at the Cathedral.

All parishes MUST fill out the electronic registration form to indicate whether or not they will be attending the Combined Rite. That form can be accessed at:  Parishes may also contact us for assistance with the electronic form. 

The Combined Rite will take place on the First Sunday of Lent: Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph (located at 140 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105).  Rehearsal will begin at 2:15 p.m., which all parish coordinators, catechumens, candidates, and sponsors are required to attend.

*Note: Nametags will not be needed this year.

Report Parish Numbers

Upcoming Trainings for RCIA/OCIA Coordinators

Both the Office of Faith Formation and Parish Life and Liturgy Training Publications (LTP) will be offering training sessions for those who involved in OCIA (RCIA) when possible. Upcoming trainings will be listed on this page.  If you have any questions, please contact Valerie St. Jean



The Catechetical Institute Franciscan University has many free and paid webinars on the OCIA process. Click here to visit their webpage and enter OCIA in the search field to see a listing of the videos, audio clips, magazines, books and more! 

Guidelines and Resources for RCIA Teams

In order to respond to the pastoral needs and practical questions regarding the RCIA process which have arisen since 2003, some clarifications, updates and explanations were added to the Archdiocesan RCIA Guidelines by the staff of the Secretariat for the Office of Faith Formation and Parish Life. Canonical review and editing was provided by the Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Rev. George S. Mukuka, J.C.L.  

Please note that this document supersedes any previous guidelines or memorandums distributed since 2003.

The RCIA Guidelines are available in PDF form by clicking the links below:

Included in the RCIA Guidelines is a comprehensive list of resources for those involved in RCIA ministry. It includes primary sources, catechetical and liturgical resources, online training opportunities, and more. This list is available separately in a PDF, which can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.