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Archdiocese of Hartford
Saint Thomas Seminary

Around the Archdiocese

Upcoming Events

Submitted events around the Archdiocese can be found below. Events are in chronological order. Please use the contact information found below to register for these events. 

Submit a Post to Around the Archdiocese

Thank you for deciding to submit a post to our “Around the Archdiocese” page. Please keep the following in mind when submitting a post:

  • Descriptions should be brief but sufficient for all interested parties
  • Events will expire based on date; other posts will run for 2 weeks and expire after that time, unless otherwise discussed with The Center for Catholic Education and Formation.
  • Submissions will be posted solely at the discretion of the Office of Faith Formation and Parish Life pending their approval of content and length

Please note that the Office of Faith Formation & Parish Life does not explicitly endorse or sponsor any events, programs, etc. posted herein, and retains the right not to post a submission at will. Upon approval, it will display on the "Around the Archdiocese" page.

If you have any questions, please email

Faith Formation

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